Colour Vision Kaleidoscope (Sichtkaleidoskop), 2003
Kaleidoskop, Farbeffektfilterglas, Multiplex
Courtesy Olafur Eliasson und Galerie carlier | gebauer, Berlin
In addition to the spectacular, large-scale spatial, architectural and landscape projects in Olafur Eliasson’s work, there are a number of smaller experimental apparatuses; these are prototypes that present an active view of complex optical phenomena – of light propagation, light refraction and reflection – and so help the viewer to locate his own position in the world. Eye Eye: a small concave mirror is mounted behind an iris diaphragm. This can be adjusted manually so that the viewer can see his whole eye, the iris or only the pupil in the concave mirror.
Colour Vision Kaleidoscope: dichromatic mirrors in different colours are set in a six-cornered kaleidoscope, which is mounted on a wooden tripod.
Olafur Eliasson (born 1964) lives in Copenhagen and Berlin.