Relatív lengések (Relative Schwingungen), 1973/1975
35mm, s/w, Produktion: Balázs Béla Stúdió, 1973/1975 (Film Language Series),
Kamera: János Gulyás
Perception is relative, as demonstrated by Dóra Maurer’s experimental set-up, which is subdivided into three sections. The actors are light (a cone lamp) and a camera (and the cameraman), later joined by a cylinder-shaped object (on a table suspended from the ceiling). They can all swing in horizontally, vertically and in a circle. Sometimes only the lamp, camera or object swings, sometimes two of the components, and sometimes all three; later in the course of the experiment the shadow of the object also becomes part of the set-up. The swinging of the ‘actors’ may be coincident or it may be in the opposite direction. Relative Swings shows us two films, parallel for some time and then alternately: one film observes the situation from outside – neutrally – and one is actually involved in the situation – as an actor as well. As a result of this comparison, we become aware that the events in a film are always dependent on hidden conditions existing outside the frame.
Dóra Maurer (born 1937) lives in Budapest.